We are closed 25 April for ANZAC Day . Read more.

Members guide

Here’s a quick guide to your Wollongong City Libraries’ membership.

Check our membership terms and conditions for more information, or get in touch if you have a question!

Members can borrow any items from our lending collections. This includes fiction, non-fiction, magazines, audiobooks, DVDs and music CDs.

You can borrow up to 50 items on your card.

You can borrow from any library location. You can also return your borrowed items to any of our libraries.

We have a growing collection of items you can download with your membership card!

  • eBooks
  • eAudiobooks
  • eMagazines
  • Stream movies, television shows, and music.

You can also download full text articles from a broad range of databases.

Most items in our collection can be borrowed for four weeks.

Some items including Fast Backs, HSC Resources, eBooks and eAudiobooks have a shorter loan period.

You can log in to your account to check when your borrowed items are due.

If an item you want to borrow isn't available right now, you can reserve it for free. We'll let you know when it's available, and put it on the reserve shelf for you to pick up.

You can also tell us which library you want to pick the item up from, and we'll bring it to that location for you.

The only items you can't reserve are our Fast Back Collection.

You can reserve up  to 40 items on your card.

Log in to the catalogue to reserve an item, or talk to library staff for help.

Not ready to hand back that item yet? As long as nobody else has put a reserve on it, you can renew it!

You can renew items:

You can renew items three times, as long as nobody else has reserved them.

Please note that you can't renew Fast Back items.

We don't charge fees for overdue items as long as they're returned in the same condition as when you borrowed them.

However if you have an overdue item or unpaid fee you won't be able to borrow anything else, print, or use computers at our libraries until the overdue item is returned or the fee's paid.

If an item you've borrowed is lost or damaged, you'll need to pay a fee so we can replace it. See our fees and charges page for details.

You can pay at any of our library locations.

Don’t panic, we can get you a new one. A fee applies for replacement cards.

In the meantime, you can still borrow from our libraries as long as you show current photo identification. The Wollongong City Libraries app gives you digital access to your library card, so you never have to worry about losing it again. When signed-in, you can check-out items using the barcode on your screen.