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City of Wollongong

Contracts Register - Class 1

Contract NumberContract Number Contract NumberT18/09
Contract DescriptionContract Description Contract DescriptionSupply, Install and operation of coin operated laundry equipment at Wollongong City Tourist Parks
ContractorContractor ContractorSimpard Pty Ltd
Address of ContractorAddress of Contractor Address of Contractor67 Princes Highway
Contractor SuburbContractor Suburb Contractor SuburbFAIRY MEADOW
Contractor StateContractor State Contractor StateNSW
Contractor PostcodeContractor Postcode Contractor Postcode2519
Related CompaniesRelated Companies Related CompaniesRegional Appliances
Start DateStart Date Start Date15-Oct-2018
End DateEnd Date End Date14-Oct-2027
Estimated contract amount (incl. GST) Estimated contract amount (incl. GST) Estimated contract amount (incl. GST) $150,000.00
Description of provision where amount can be variedDescription of provision where amount can be varied Description of provision where amount can be variedamount can be varied as it is based on 35% of amount remitted of use
Provisions for RenegotiationProvisions for Renegotiation Provisions for Renegotiation"The option to extend is exercisable at Council?s sole discretion and subject to the agreement ofthe contractor."
Method of TenderingMethod of Tendering Method of TenderingOpen Tender
Provision for Operational or Maintenance ServicesProvision for Operational or Maintenance Services Provision for Operational or Maintenance ServicesNA
ParticularsParticulars ParticularsSupply, installation and operation of laundry equipment
Evaluation CriteriaEvaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria% of takings to be remitted to Council (GST inclusive)
Evaluation CriteriaDemonstrated ability to provide the service (please include a maintenance schedule)
Evaluation CriteriaOutline of proposed new equipment to be provided (please provide a list of equipment including capacity (kgs)
Evaluation CriteriaEnvironmental management policies and procedures
Evaluation CriteriaDemonstrated strengthening of local economic capacity
Mandatory CriteriaMandatory Criteria Mandatory CriteriaNA