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City of Wollongong

Get Ready

There are some simple things you can do before an emergency to help protect yourself, your family and your home.

Visit the Get Ready NSW website to learn how to prepare for emergencies.

It’s also a good idea to put an emergency kit together. The Australian Red Cross has a handy checklist to help you build a kit.

If you have children at school, ask for a copy of their school’s emergency plan. This will help you plan what to do if an emergency happens during school hours.

Talk to your children so they know what your family’s plan is for emergencies, including when they’re at school or at home.

Members of our community who have chronic illness or disability need extra help in an emergency.

Prepare NSW has a Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (PCEP) tool for community health and disability providers. This can be used to support those with chronic illness or disability to prepare, respond and recover from emergencies.

See the Person-Centred Emergency Guide for more information.

Scarf Refugee Support provides information in several community languages to help refugees and non-English speakers understand what to do in an emergency weather event, such as storms, floods and bush fires.

You can also use the 'language' tool at the top of the NSW Reconstruction Authority website to translate the site's emergency information into your language.

Make sure you also consider what you’ll do with any pets and animals when planning for emergencies.

Your emergency kit should also include any food or medication your pet will need.

Emergencies can also have a big impact on businesses and their workers. If you run a business, check out the Get Ready website for help with emergency planning.

Get Ready for different types of emergencies