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City of Wollongong

The Quiet Space

The information on this page is a guide to help event organisers plan to include a Quiet Space for people who may experience sensory overload in noisy, busy environments.

The Quiet Space is an accessible space with shade, seating, sensory activities, and someone to talk with. The goal of this space is to provide people with a safe space to be away from the noise and stimulation at an event. A quiet space will look different at each event due to the nature of the event however it is a space where anyone can come and sit or hang out for as long as they like.

The quiet space should:

  • Be away from the main action and noise of the event, but close enough that people can find it and not feel excluded from the event
  • Have sufficient wayfinding so people can find it
  • Be physically defined by a marquee(s) to create a safe space and shade (if outside)
  • Have sensory tools like fidgets and other fun sensory activities that people use to feel calm
  • Have seating and water if possible
  • Make everyone feel welcome - think about ways to do this through advertising or offering free tea or coffee
  • Be staffed by people who have received training around neurodiversity.

Ideas for sensory activities

Things to touch

Fidgets, sequinned sensory pillow, sensory book, water beads / orbies (in a big tub), stress balls.

fidget spinnerheart shaped pop fidgetsequin cushion close upstress balls

Things to play with

Coloured rice tubs (or use yellow or green split peas), water tubs with water toys and leaves / sticks, kinetic sand, playdough.

yellow split peasbath ducks in waterblue kinetic sandplay dough

Places to sit

Bean bag, soft floor rug, chair, dark den tent.

girl sitting on bean bagfloor rugswhite plastic chairs

Where can I buy these resources?

Below are some places you might find resources to help create a Quiet Space.

Please note, Council does not endorse any individual business over another, and you may be able to find other suppliers than those listed here.