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City of Wollongong


Showing 1 - 10 of 13 results for "pop up cycling routes"
See below;. AGENDA WALKING, CYCLING AND MOBILITY REFERENCE. Page | 4 (Doc Set ID). • ... Pop Up Cycle Way The pop up cycleway is still to being investigated; we have received over 800 responses. •
3.2 Pop-up cycleways evaluation There is a currently a pop-up cycle way survey for people to complete, this project is overseen by Walter Galvan. ... 3.1 Bus Shelter Compliance Upgrades Strategy. 3.2 Pop-up cycleways evaluation. 3.3 Integrated Transport
Dedicated cycling infrastructure, separated from pedestrians and cars, 2. Off-road shared paths and on-road routes with low traffic volumes and speed, and 3. ... Better connectivity, particularly between existing and new cycling routes. The proposals
Evaluation of the pop up cycleways progressed and be presented to Councillors next quarter. ... Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) Friday pop up engagements were held at shopping centres.
 more signs highlighting bicycle routes (44%). Wollongong City Council | National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey 2023 | page 15. ... Better cycling tracks, more barriers for safety and to divide traffic away from cyclists Bike lanes would be
Routes that have been identified through the Wollongong Cycling Strategy 2030 map and are being investigated with a draft plan expected to go out for community consultation by March 2024. ... The Pop-Up Cycleway project evaluation was completed to be
Evaluation of pop up cycleways is in progress and a public survey on Council’s website is open. ... The engagement phase was also informed by targeted stakeholder workshops and community pop-up events.
Cycling maps were updated and published on Council's website. Cycling and pedestrian counts were also undertaken at key locations to inform usage and future priorities and an evaluation of pop ... In addition, Council also launched a start-up case study
The Luv the Lake litter program was a success with community engagement activities, such as pop-up kiosks and community clean-ups, resulted in an estimated 1, 200 kilograms of litter ... As a result of these investigations, 23 verbal clean-up notices,
Children's park is at risk, serious erosion up to the edge of the new fence. ... in the map below (Smith St is on there too, just to see it, but this quick map does not include all the existing cycling routes.).